To shine a light on the upcoming World Diabetes Day (November 14), we’re posting a blog series on diabetes and how it relates to oral health. First, check out these staggering facts from The National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2017 recently published by The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention): An estimated 30.3 million people […]
Tag: holistic oral health
Is Flossing Effective?
A new body of research has emerged recently questioning the importance of flossing as compared to other forms of oral healthcare to remove bacteria from the mouth. The Journal of Clinical Periodontology concluded in a recent study that “despite being widely advocated, it is noteworthy that the majority of available studies fail to demonstrate that flossing is […]
REJUV Update: Available Again December 2015
Greetings, everybody! You may have noticed that REJUV oil pulling concentrate and gum therapy treatment, is not presently listed in our online shop. Fear not! This is simply due to a temporary holdover as we undergo some exciting repacking for this product. The new packaging design will feature an easier-to-use squeeze-tip dispenser. This will allow for a […]