festive eating

Secret Tools for Holiday Noshing

Well, December is here and the Holiday parties will be starting up soon. For most of us, we’re still coming down from the Thanksgiving feasting, but get ready…Holiday treats will be lurking around every corner now through the end of the year. Whether it’s an office party, kids school pageant, church fellowship, family and friends gatherings, etc. there will be food….lots of it. So how can you survive without just saying “no”? The following tips should help you make it through to the new year without a hitch.

5 Great Tools to get You Through the Holiday Season

  • Moderation is key. We talked about this in the last blog. Go ahead and indulge a bit, but don’t go overboard. Try to be mindful of portion size and the amount of treats you choose and set a limit for yourself. Your stomach will thank you in the morning!
  • Just in case you still manage to experience some indigestion or heartburn, keep some natural antacid tablets tucked away, or some black licorice (also known as DGL). Some doctors and alternative health advocates recommend DGL for acid reflux. People believe DGL promotes mucus activity, which may act as a barrier to acid in the stomach and esophagus.[1]
  • Tuck some Dr Tung’s Perio Sticks in your purse or back pocket to protect against nuts, seed, or unsightly red and green food particles sticking between your teeth. Smile confidently while efficiently removing plaque and stimulating your gums. Check out this short video to learn more about this amazing little life-saver!

  • When you need to bring a dish for a potluck situation, pick something that agrees with you, and consider choosing some healthy holiday cooking swaps. You can later brag that your dish is not only delish, but healthier to boot! J
  • Mingle more, eat less. It’s really quite simple…open up your mouth more to share conversation than to stuff with goodies. The more you engage with your family and friends, the more goodwill is shared and the less need you will have to over-indulge.

You can’t stop the holiday noshing season, but you CAN make the best of it with these simple secret tools. Stock up on your Dr Tung’s Perio Sticks…they also make great stocking stuffers! J

[1] https://www.healthline.com/health/digestive-health/dgl-for-acid-reflux#benefits

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