We want to take this opportunity to wish all of you the very merriest of holidays. You come from all different walks of life, countries, backgrounds and races, and we are honored to have each and every one of you in our ‘tribe’. December is a month of many holidays and no matter which you celebrate, […]
Why Not Make EVERY Day World Kindness Day!
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. ~ Aesop This Nov. 13 is World Kindness Day, and DrTung’s is a huge fan! Our only regret is that it is only celebrated one day a year. However, if there was ever a time the world needed more kindness, it certainly is now! […]
Too Many Spooky Halloween Treats? Detox with DrTungs!
Even the healthiest of us can succumb to the ghoulishly seductive Halloween treats that seem to haunt us each October! Whether it’s monstrous goodies at the office, your kids’ trick-or-treat spoils or scary neighborhood parties, if you over-indulged a bit, no need to feel like the walking dead. Just give yourself a little Halloween Detox […]
Smile and the World Smiles with You!
DrTung’s fully endorses World Smile Day! Why? Because smiling is contagious and fills the world with positivity (something we always need, and particularly these days!). Great for Your Health The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings of all time, said by many to be due to her enigmatic smile. Look it up […]
DID U KNOW series : Absorb vs Adsorb
From time to time, we receive questions from our customers and blog followers that relate to some of the technology and terms used in our packaging, promotions or digital communications. We thought this would be a great place to share additional insight into some of the questions we receive. This will be our first installment […]
DrTung’s Activated Charcoal Floss – Now at a Store Near You!
We are very excited to alert our customers that DrTung’s newest product – Activated Charcoal Floss–the Vegan Smart Floss® – is now available at many retailers that sell DrTung’s branded products, including all Sprouts stores! Of course, the product is also available to purchase online; but we wanted to make sure you knew you can […]
Last Minute Vacation Plans? Smile Easy with Tips from DrTung’s!
Are you contemplating one last family trip while the weather’s still good? Stop thinking about it and start packing! Along with healthy snacks, first aid kit, natural bug repellents and all the toys you want to bring, don’t forget about your oral health essentials! DrTung’s has everything your family will need—especially if you’re going […]
Back to School – Oral Health Checklist
Moms and Dads from coast to coast are familiar with the ‘back-to-school’ drill. Start getting the kids to bed earlier, go shopping for new school clothes, begin school registration process—a literal checklist of preparation tasks to look forward to. Of course all of these are important must-do’s; however, this is also a great time to […]
The tongue is one of the most unique organs in the body. Although actually a muscle, it holds a special place among sensory organs. It’s the organ of taste, is very sensitive to touch, and promotes speech. The tongue, by governing what comes out of the mouth (speech) and what goes in (food), can be considered […]
Smile More with these Summertime Foods
“Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink in the wild air” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson RW Emerson sure knew how to enjoy summertime—and so can you! In fact, you might actually have a little more to smile about when you make the most of those natural summertime foods! The bountiful supply of summer […]