Natural Child World Eco Excellence Finalist – Kids Snap-On Sanitizer

NEW Kid's Toothbrush SanitizerWe’re pleased to announce that DrTung’s Kids Snap-On Toothbrush Sanitizer has been announced amongst thousands of entries as a Natural Child World Eco Excellence Finalist for 2016! Regarded as one of the biggest Media Awards, the Eco-Excellence are the only ones to recognize excellence in the world of sustainability and social responsibility.

Natural Child World Magazine is available via both print and online as a monthly publication that provides valuable information for the modern family in regards to merging ecologically and socially responsible consumer values. Available nationwide, this is a top resource for parents who want to pass on these values that they practice on to their children.

DrTung’s strives not just to create amazing products but also to preserve the environment and our communities while doing it. We work hard to make a difference, and we are happy to have been selected as Finalist in the 2016 Eco-Excellence Awards™ by NCW magazine in the Oral Care category.

NCW Badge Eco Excellence FinalistVoting in each category is open to the public and will end on Tuesday, July 29, 2016. To vote for the Kids Snap-On Toothbrush Sanitizer, simply follow this link, and look for it in the Oral Care category.

DrTung’s Kids Snap-On Toothbrush Sanitizer is a great way to encourage your kids to get excited about oral care (yep, it’s possible!). By setting the example for a daily oral health routine for them at such an early age, you can set the stage for them for a lifelong commitment to oral care. Beyond setting the example and building excitement, the sanitizers protect your child’s toothbrush by harboring it from harmful airborne bacteria that is commonly found in the bathroom environment. Essential oil vapors naturally sterilize the toothbrush between brushings.

Sharing the importance of choosing sustainable products that won’t harm the environment is also a simple yet important message to share with your children during this time in their lives. We are happy to use EcoPure, a plastic additive that allows full biodegradation in 5-7 years (versus +100 years!), to make the sanitizers.

We’d be honored if you gave us a vote – mahalo!

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