The tongue is one of the most unique organs in the body. Although actually a muscle, it holds a special place among sensory organs. It’s the organ of taste, is very sensitive to touch, and promotes speech. The tongue, by governing what comes out of the mouth (speech) and what goes in (food), can be considered […]
Category: Healthy You
Smile More with these Summertime Foods
“Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink in the wild air” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson RW Emerson sure knew how to enjoy summertime—and so can you! In fact, you might actually have a little more to smile about when you make the most of those natural summertime foods! The bountiful supply of summer […]
Toothbrushing–Ionic Style!
Toothbrushing – Quick History Did you know that the first humans started brushing their teeth over 5000 years ago? As long ago as 3,000 BC, ancient Egyptians constructed crude toothbrushes from twigs and leaves to clean their teeth. This same manner was also used by Greeks, Romans, Arabs and Indians—some actually fraying the end of […]
Oral Health for Expectant Moms
Congratulations—you’re having a baby! Now, have you discussed this with your dentist? If you haven’t, you should consider making an appointment right now for a complete oral health exam. If you are still in the planning stages, you should notify your dentist even before you become pregnant to ensure your oral health is in tip-top […]
Oil Pulling 101—The Basics
What’s 5,000 years old and actually GOOD for your teeth? The ancient Ayurvedic art of Oil Pulling, of course! If you’re scratching your head because you’re not actually sure what oil pulling is, don’t sweat it. Just sit back and click on the video below: DrTung’s Oil Pulling Concentrate Congratulations! You are now an oil […]
Cavity Prevention and Safe Treatment for Kids
As our kids grow, we love to journal the many milestones of their lives….their first smile, their first tooth, their first step, etc. Of course, there are some milestones we aren’t looking forward to—their first cavity. Certainly, being proactive and practicing preventive care are the best steps to reducing the odds; however, cavities may still […]
Brushing Matters—Teach Your Kids Early
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month! DrTung’s thought it would be a good time to provide some tips for parents to help their kids incorporate useful oral health care habits and techniques into their daily routine. The first question we hear a lot is “When should my child start brushing his or her own […]
Silver Nitrate – Dental Treatment that Makes Kids Smile!
Remember going to the dentist when you were a child? For many of us, it was not a pleasant experience–particularly if the word “cavity” came up during the exam. Well there’s a treatment catching on now that can really take the “bite” out of having a cavity filled. It’s called silver nitrate, and it’s quick, […]
Sugar Awareness Week – How Much are You Consuming?
If you’ve ever seen the movie, Mary Poppins, you simply can’t forget the delightful little ditty, “A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down.” (I bet you’re singing it out loud right now.) Does it make you wonder if this helped trigger our collective fascination with those little white crystals known as sugar? Regardless of […]
Wellness Trends to Start Your Year Off Right
As the new year rolls in, we are almost programmed to seek out ways to improve our lives. This is not a bad thing; however, we need to make sure we don’t go overboard in our expectations. After all, the point is to achieve wellness, peace and serenity…not to add more stress to our already […]