In many of the personal hygiene products found in your average drug store today, you’ll still find tiny plastic beads despite the recent research on their harmful effects on the environment. Studies have suggested that trilions of these micro plastic pieces could be released into our oceans as Arctic ice melts.
Despite this alarming research, we are still seeing polyethylane plastic beads all over our dental health products. These are the tiny blue beads you’ll find namely in toothpastes used widely in Crest products.
This recent article from the Washington Post highlights how dentists are speaking out against these products from an environmental and hygienic point of view.
What’s more is that aside from the fact that they do not biodegrade, dentists are saying that from a dental health perspective, they often get stuck in the gums, ultimately leading to issues such as gingivitis and ultimately periodontal disease.
While Crest has responded to recent pressure from the dental and environmental community about these concerns and agreed to remove the beads from their products, the Food and Drug Administration still approves these plastic pieces for products on the market. The American Dental Association, who endorses many of Crest’s products, stands behind the use of these beads, while failing to cite any scientific evidence.
Check out the article for the full scoop. What’s your take on the issue?