Is there such a thing as the perfect floss? Is it in your bathroom, or hiding far from nasty plaque between your teeth? We know floss disrupts plaque and we should floss twice daily. It can save your teeth and many people are committed to this important practice. But in the world of flosses, with hundreds of […]
Yes, Men Have Teeth Too!
Yes, of course we know men have teeth too. But did you know they also often have worse oral health? June is Men’s Health Month and the perfect time to thank Dad for all the big and little things he does. The love and support, the security and fun, the care and, of course, the embarrassing […]
Shiny, silver fillings in millions of mouths — Valuable or toxic?
Dental fillings — shiny, silver and in millions of mouths — are they valuable or toxic? The three most toxic elements known to us are said to be: Plutonium, at the heart of the world’s deadliest weapons. Cesium, spontaneous combustion in action, even at temperatures down to -177ºF! Mercury, whose vapors are soluble in both […]
Good dental habits build healthy smiles: for Moms and Kids
Like building a fit body, creating a beautiful, healthy smile requires good dental habits and dedicated practice. Routines matter. So, how can you build good dental habits that prevent decay and disease and promote a gorgeous, vibrant smile…even through pregnancy and beyond, and with your child, too? For Parents and Kids, routines make the difference! […]
Oral care and Eco-aware? Essential, we do declare!
Introducing DrTung’s Oral Care 360 Ecosentials™ — oral care should be eco-aware! From the simple beginning of introducing the first commercially-available tongue cleaner in the US, DrTung’s has always been at the forefront of natural oral wellness — we integrate modern and traditional knowledge while staying true to core values that are founded in love […]
Take from Mother Earth? Only if we give back too.
We naturally take from Mother Earth — we’ve grown accustomed to a certain way of living. But, what if…we give back responsibly as well? Our precious Earth provides us, humans and animals, with life — nourishment and sustenance in the deepest sense of these words: food, air, water, shelter, safety, beauty, awe, each other. Yet, instead […]
Tongue Cleaning : To Scrape or to Brush?
You may have heard that tongue cleaning should be an integral part of your oral care routine. But, what’s the best way to cleanse — should you scrape or brush? Why do you need a tongue scraper…can’t you just use a toothbrush to brush your tongue? Almost everyone can benefit from this essential, twice-daily dental hygiene habit […]
Should Tongue Scraping be an Essential Part of Your Oral Hygiene Routine?
You may be wondering why, or even if, tongue scraping should be a part of your daily dental routine. While tongue scraping has only recently entered the health and beauty space in the West, this practice has formed part of Ayurvedic tradition for 5000 years. And with good reason. According to Ayurveda, this gentle practice removes […]
Is Gum Inflammation Linked to COVID-19?
“Keep flossing: A new study finds that gum disease may raise the chances of hospitalization or death if COVID-19 strikes.” WebMD (Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, usually follows gum inflammation.)
How to establish your child’s dental routine: start early!
Dental health and a gorgeous smile begin early in life. Even though teeth begin to develop in the mother’s womb you won’t see them for a while. So when do you start your child’s dental routine? Even before your child has teeth you can begin caring for your baby’s gums using a soft cloth or piece […]